Monday, June 23, 2008

Helping Others

Bible Reading : Acts 9:36-43

My friend was very lonely.Her husband had to move to a nursing home.My friend's children visited her often,but she was especially lonely in the evenings.

Then my friend heard that a church wanted mittens and caps for needy families.She started knitted three hats and three sets of mittens.This work helped my friend not be lonely in the evenings.

When my friend's neighbor saw what she was doing , she asked my friend to knit some things for her.Then other people asked my friend to bake cookies and breads.She was happy to serve God by helping other people.

In our Bible Reading today we read about Tabitha.She made coats and clothes for people.Tabitha also gave money to help poor people.Tabitha served God by doing these things

Maybe you are lonely.Look for ways to help other people today.

..."serve each other with love."Galatians 5:14b

PRAYER : Dear God, I want to serve You.Please show me ways to help other people today.In Jesus' name.Amen

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