Tuesday, June 10, 2008

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Bible Reading : Acts 2:36-47

Our Bible Verses today tell us that the early Christians in Jerusalem were a community- they shared and helped each other.So the "com in our devotion title stands for " community".

Verse 42 tells us four things these Christians did.First,they learned the teaching of the apostles.We can do that today by reading what the apostles wrote in the Bible.Second,they shared with each other.We can share our money,our possessions and our time with other Christians.

Third,the christians ate together.This may mean that they shared a meal or the Lord's Supper.We should do both of these things with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Last,the Christians prayed together.It is very important for us to pray for our churches,the missionaries throughout the world,and for other Christians.It is also important for us to pray for people who don't know about Jesus.

I hope that the church you attend is into God's Word,worships God,witnesses to others and is a community of believes.

"The believers praised God , and all the people liked them." Acts 2:47a

PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father,thank you for Your church.In Jesus' name.Amen.

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