Saturday, June 14, 2008

Everything New

Bible Reading : Revelation 21: 1-5

Recently my husband and I took a long trip.We traveled to see family members in Indaho,Montana and Washington.While we were gone,there was a flood in our home town.

About eighteen inches of muddy water poured into our apartment.Almost everything we had was ruined.The owners of the apartments.They put in new walls,carpets and fixtures.

Then we had to buy new and used furniture to put in our apartment.Family members and friends helped us buy what we needed.Now almost everything in our apartment is new.

We were excited to move back into our apartment.In the same way,we should be excited to spend eternity with God.Verse 5a of our Bible Reading says,"The One that was sitting on the throne said,"Look! I am making everything new!"

I am excited to be back in my apartment.But I am even more excited when I think about living forever with God.I hope you are excited,too.

"There will be no more death,sadness,crying,or pain.All the old ways are gone."Revelation 21 :4b

PRAYER : God,thank you for eternal life through Jesus.In His name.Amen.

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