Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hills (1)

Bible reading : proverbs 3:1-8

Today and for the next few days, our devotions will be about hills.The town where I live has many steep hills.When I go for a walk, I try to walk uphill for the first part of my walk.Then I walk downhill for the second part of my walk when I am more tired.

If I am in good physical shape,walking uphill is not difficult.But if I am not physically fit, the uphill walk is a struggle. It is the same in my spiritual life. If I am close of God, I am in good spiritual shape. Then it is much easier to work through my problems.

Our Bible Reading today tells us how we can be spiritually fit. 1) we can trust God completely (verse 5). 2) We can think about God in all we do (verse 6). 3)we can respect God (verse 7). 4) And we can stay away from evil (verse 7).

I hope you will work at being spiritually fit. Then it will be easier to depend on God every day of your life.

" I look up to the hills for help.But where does my help really come from ? My help will come from the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

PRAYER: Dear God, help me to depend completely on You. In Jesus' name.Amen.

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