Thursday, June 5, 2008

God's Strenght

Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31

There is a steep hill in the small town where I live.I have to work very hard to walk up that hill.

One day as I was walking, I reached the top of the hill.As I stopped to catch my breath,the bell chimes from a nearby church began to play.I thought about some of the words from the song it was playing: " I am weak but thou (God) are strong."

As I stood on that hill,I really agreed with those words.God had given me physical strength to get up the hill.Then I thought about the many times.God had given me spiritual and emotional strength in my life.

In our Bible Reading today,Isaiah said (verse 29)," The Lord helps weak people to be strong.He causes the people without power to become powerful." And verse 31a reminds us that people who trust the Lord will "become strong again like eagles that grow new feathers."

I hope that you will trust Go today. He will give you strength to face your problems and to help you serve Him.

"These people run without becoming weak.These people walk without becoming tired." Isaiah 40:31b

PRAYER Mighty and Powerful God,Thank you for giving me strength every day.Help me to trust you.In Jesus'name.Amen.

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