Monday, June 2, 2008

Our Barn ( 2)

Bible Reading : Matthew 7 : 24-29

Yesterday I told you that my family decided to tear down our old barn.

One of the things that could not be fixed was the foundation.Through the year, the concrete foundation began to slide. It moved away from the walls.This made big cracks in the walls.Then the framework of the barn started to sink down with the foundation.

Finally,the walls began to pull away from the roof.Because the foundation was weak,the whole barn had to be torn down.We could not fix it.

In our Bible Reading today,Jesus told a s story about two men who built houses.The wise man built his house on rock.The foolish man built his house on the sand. When a strom came,the house on the sand fell down.Why? Because it did not have a strong foundation.

You need a strong foundation for your life.The only truly strong foundation is Jesus.He wants you to build your life on Him today!

It rained hard,the water rose ,and the winds blew and hit that house.And the house fell with a loud noise."
Matthew 7:27

PRAYER: Dear God,help me to build my life on Your Son,Jesus.In His name.Amen.

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