Sunday, June 15, 2008

God's Hand

Bible Reading : Isaiah 41:8-13

I had surgery and I was trying to wake up.I was in pain,and I needed to tell someone.Suddenly,a nurse put her hand on the rail of my bed.I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.The nurse put her other hand on my hand and patted it.

The nurse and I used our hands to squeeze told her that I was in pain.And her hand gave me comfort.

Every day I face times when I need to take hold of someone's hand.But often there is no other person around me.That's when I remember that God is with me,holding my hand and comforting me.

In our Bible Reading today,God talked to His children,the Israelites.In verse 13, God said,"I am the Lord your God.I am holding your right hand.And I tell you : Don't be afraid! I will help you."

Maybe you will need someone to hold your hand today.You can depend on God to be with You to help you!

"Don't worry,I am with you.Don't be afraid,I am your God.I will make you strong.I will help you.I will support you with my good right hand." Isaiah 41:10

PRAYER Dear Lord,Thank You for holding my hand.In Jesus' name Amen.

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