Friday, June 27, 2008

Hills (3)

Bible Reading : Matthew 6:25-34

I remember that when I was a child, I would become very upset about something that was small and unimportant.Then my mother would say, "Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill."Maybe you have heard this expression before.It means that we should not become upset about something that is not important.

A small problem should be like a small hill that a mole makes in the ground.But if a person worries and worries about a small problem, they make it become like a big mountain.Maybe you do that sometimes.

God does not want us to worry. 1 Peter 5:7 says, " Give all your worries to him,because he cares for you." Our Bible Reading tells us that God takes care of the birds, the flowers and the grass.If He does that, He will take care of us, too.

When we have problems, we need to tell them to God. Then we need to let God take care of them for us. I hope you will do that today.

But in the morning, I will sing songs of praise to you. I will rejoice in your love.Why? Because you are my place of safety, high in the mountains. And I can run to you when troubles come." Psalm 59:16

PRAYER: God,Thank You for always taking care of me.In Jesus name.Amen.

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