Tuesday, June 17, 2008

God's love

Bible Reading : Romans 8:31-39

As my husband spoke to me,his words hit me like a bomb.He told me that he was leaving me for another woman.I did not know that he was having an affair with a member of the church where he was the pastor.

That night,I read Romans 8:28." We know that in everything god works for the good of those people that love him.These are the people God called (chose),because that was his plan." Since that night,I have read that verse over and over again.And I have learned that I can depend on these words.

Many times during the past twenty-five years,I have wondered how God would help me through painful experiences.But looking back,I can see that God has always been with me.And He has worked through my experiences to make good things happen.

Our Bible Reading today reminds us that our troubles cannot separate us from God' external love.we can depend on God's promise.

I am sure that nothing now,nothing in the future,no powers,nothing above us or nothing below us- nothing in the whole created world- will ever be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."Roman 8:38b-39

PRAYER : Dear God,thank You for Your love.In Jesus' name.Amen.

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