Monday, June 2, 2008

Our Barn ( 1)

Bible Reading : James 4 : 13-17

My family and i live in the country.We used to have a big barn where we kept our houses. It was a very old barn.There were holes in the roof and walls.In the winter time,the wind and snow came through the holes.

My Family thought about fixing the old barn. But it would cost too much.So, finally we decided to tear down the barn and build a better one.

When I think about our old barn,it reminds me that nothing on earth lasts forever.Our barn was built very well. It was made with strong wood and concrete.But after many years it became weak.

Even our lives on earth are temporary. Verse 14 of our bible Reading says, " You don't know what will happen tommorow!" Your life is like a fog.You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away."

Things are temporary.But God's love is external.If we accept Jesus as our Savior, we will live forever with God.I hope that you have accepted Jesus as you Savior. Then you can experience His love forever.

Everyperson's life is only like a cloud that quickly disappears." Psalm 39: 5b

PRAYER : Dear God,Thank you for the promise of external life with you.In Jesus' name.Amen.

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