Wednesday, June 11, 2008 (4)

Reading Bible: Matthew 28:16-20

The third "w" in our Internet Address stands for "witnessing".
The members of God's true church should be witnesses and share the Good News about Jesus With non-Christians.

The church I attend has a special mission statement: "Bring them in, build them up,send them out."We want to bring people to Jesus so they can accept Him as their Savior.Then we want to build up these new Christians faith.And, we want to send these people out to bring more people to Jesus.That mission statement in very similar to our Bible Reading today.These verses are some of the last words Jesus said to His Followers before He left earth.They are important words for every Christian to remember."So go and make followers of all people in the world.Baptize them in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit.Teach those people to obey everything that I have told you" (Verse 19-20a).

I hope you are part of a witnessing church.Look for opportunities to share your faith with people you meet today.

[Jesus said,]"You will be my witnesses- you will tell people about me."Acts 1: 8b

PRAYER : GOD, help me to share about Jesus today.In His name.Amen>

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