Fear is very important. If not,sure cannot get to heaven.
Fear mean "honor" ~ hate SIN such as money, sex,lie,dirty words,things of world and etc.
Do you want BLESS?HOW to get bless? Must Fear the Lord only, God will give you fine in good things if we fear God.
1) SALVATION This is very rich word of God who He gave you save by Cross ~believe God / forgive us / Baptist / repent / trust God.
2)BLESS is also very important ~ believe Jesus Christ Son of God. Psalm 128:1 = Bless from fear ~ cannot touch sin while God look over you. Psalm 107:10-11 = darkness, suffering,sad, nothing… Like, why people worried about why increase price up petrol ??? JAM 2:26 – Without faith , because only knowledge but never do thing. Deaf people were poor(words,atitude)so they may to get bless slowly because no fear. If know to find treasure of God, bless us ~ Very joy, surprise find word of God,trust Lord . Trust ~ Fear Lord follow what
1) God like,
2) God will
3) God word. BLESS
4) Thing
5) happy,comfort.
3)TREASURE This mean is who God needed you ~ Fear, be pure heart 2 Tim 2:21 – if clean of heart with holy, God like use you.if not, God is forsake you. How? Need repent ~ can get joy, happy, satisty use me .
4)God watching over us always no one person this world never care you all the times- NEVER ! Only God keep you 24 hour. Thanks God, must trust Lord. We cannot believe people keep you. All LIES ! HOW? Only pray to the Lord ask to HELP and care you. God will care you. God never give you problem , God will be with you to anywhere. All everything completed! Wonderful God!
5) Wisdom gives us how to different sin of good and bad things.Ps 111:10 – very rich word of wisdom. Don’t trust people 100% for 10 years, later cheat us, painful ,to hurt someone's feelings. Like fool because trust world of evil things ,give us angry,sad,troblue, problem, unhappy life and etc. Better trust in Lord and Thou will give you "wisdom" , if surprise / realize of this word can enter the heaven.
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